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Собираюсь подать на Skype в суд
DolfДата: Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 00:12 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 1170

Неделю назад Skype без предварительного уведомления взял и отменил мою подписку, мотивируя тем, что не прошел платеж. Когда я попытался еще раз провести платеж, мне пришло уведомление, что реактивировать подписку невозможно. Вопиющее нарушение прав и свобод пользователей! Читайте с конца, кому интересно. Буду признателен за ваши комментарии.

From: Mark Kalinin
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:55 PM
To: 'Skype Customer Service'
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>
Importance: High

Dear Support,
Thank you for admitting that the information received from Skype regarding my subscription was wrong as it might definitely help me to solve this case in Luxembourg court if the issue is not resolved by Skype soon. It is not about the money, it is about principal. You haven’t still given me a link to the line in the Skype policy that says a customer won’t be able to renew his subscription if the payment fails. I understood from your replies you can’t for some reason switch back an expired subscription manually. If I get the unlimited world subscription the way you are suggesting http://buy.skype.com/paymonthly/ do you have a way give me 3 online numbers for free which I actually had for free with my “expired” subscription?

Best regards,
Mark Kalinin
Deputy Head of Education, Youth and Russian Language Support Department
Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, Compatriots Abroad
and International Humanitarian Cooperation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 2:15 PM
To: Mark Kalinin
Subject: Re: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

We apologize for the delay in our response due to an unexpected increase in the number of recent inquiries, it has taken us longer than usual to respond to you.

We sincerely regret to inform you that the old type of subscription has been discontinued some time ago when the new type of subscriptions have been introduced, therefore, it is not possible to re-purchase the same subscription again newly.

According to our records, your subscription has been expired on December 20 2010 as the recurring payment of the subscription was not successful. For the reason of this order refusal, we kindly ask you to contact PayPal customer support.

Please note your subscription is renewed automatically each time your payment is due. The recurring payment is made using the same payment method you used when you signed up for the subscription. The recurring payment will be done normally 3days before the subscription expires.

If there was an issue with another payment method, such as a credit card or PayPal, we suggest that you buy one of new subscriptions as we are unable to re-activate the old one manually :


We are sorry to hear you have received the wrong information on the automatic e-mail from us, but the date and the information is wrong and that is not related to the cancelled subscription order at all.

We are aware of this problem that wrong date information is contained within an automatic e-mail and are working hard on fixing it as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.



Skype Customer Service

From: Mark Kalinin
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 7:43 PM
To: en_support@skype.net
Subject: The Support is not answering the questions for 3 days!
Importance: High

Dear Support,
Please answer the questions indicated in my previous letter to you. I know you had some problems that started right after my letter, but 3 days for a reply is again a violation of Skype policy which says “you will receive an answer in 12 hours”.
Thank you!
Best regards,

From: Mark Kalinin
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 4:50 PM
To: 'en_support@skype.net'
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>
Importance: High

Dear Support,

Thank you for your advice to get the subscription from you webstore. I would have gladly done so if the subscription was really the same (meaning it will offer 3 online numbers for free). In case I order the subscription the way you are suggesting I would have to pay for my online numbers extra. Also thank you for your advice to update my payment method. I’ve already done it yesterday, put $5 on my account to be assured that everything works and even wrote to you about it (see below).
I have been advised several times to do same things, but nobody takes my case seriously. There’s a discrepancy between Skype policies and what is really happening. Skype says “the subscription will terminate at the end of the current billing period, which is on Mar 20, 2011.” At the same time I am not able to pay for my subscription even though I’ve updated my payment method and am willing to do so. I have 3 questions to ask:
1) Do you read previous replies before sending the answer to the customer? I understand you have hundreds e-mails every day, but still….
2) Could you, please, indicate a link to the line in the Skype policy dealing with my case.
3) Should I print out the history of the question and send it by regular mail to Skype Headquaters so may be they change the situation “it is not really possible to re-activate an expired subscription”?
I appreciate your patience and understanding. If you can’t solve the problem yourself, please send this letter to somebody who can. There’s no point of writing to me same things over and over again. Please advise.
Best regards,

From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 3:01 PM
To: Mark Kalinin
Subject: Re: Problem with support <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

We are sorry to hear that your order did not push through using your Paypal. Our Supervisor will have the same resources as we do, please allow us to look into this for you. Rest assured that we will help you with your concern.

Upon checking on your record, it appears that there is no payment method to support the recurring subscription on your account, as your payment has already expire.

Please check your last payment status and also make sure your credit card is still valid i.e. hasn’t expired.
If it has expired, please update your stored payment details in Skype with your new credit card details:

If you are using PayPal to pay, please make sure that the credit card associated with your PayPal account is valid, i.e. hasn’t expired.

Also check you haven’t cancelled your PayPal billing agreement with Skype.

We suggest that you buy the same subscription again:


Should you need more assistance, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

Franz B.
Skype Customer Service

From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2:37 PM
To: Mark Kalinin
Subject: Re: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through < <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

We are sorry to hear that you are still having issues with your subscription of Unlimited World 3 months. We will do our best to clarify this for you.

As explained by the previous correspondent, unfortunately, it is not really possible to re-activate an expired subscription. Your subscription is renewed automatically each time your payment is due. The recurring payment is made using the same payment method you used when you signed up for the subscription.

What we can advise you is to purchase the same subscription again from our webstore: http://buy.skype.com/paymonthly/

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

We hope you found this answer helpful. Should you need any further assistance, or have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards,

Annie C.
Skype Customer Service

--- Original Message ---
From: Mark Kalinin
Received: 12/21/10 11:23:08 AM EET
To: Skype Customer Service
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through
Dear Support,
Here’s a letter I received from Skype when my order didn’t get through (read carefully till the end of the letter):

From: Skype [mailto:noreply@notifications.skype.com]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 10:11 PM
To: mkletters@mail.ru
Subject: Your subscription funded by PayPal has been cancelled

This is an automated email, please don’t reply.

Hi there Марк Калинин,

Your subscription funded by PayPal has been cancelled
We are sorry to hear that you will no longer be using the products you were paying for with PayPal.

As requested, your subscription funded by your PayPal account will terminate at the end of the current billing period, which is on Mar 20, 2011.

No further payments will be taken from your PayPal account after this time, unless you use it to pay for a new order or subscription.

Any other subscriptions paid for by other means, such as a credit card or Skype Credit, have not been affected and will remain in place. View and maintain your subscriptions.

Note: if you want to terminate your subscription immediately and don't want to wait until the date above, you can request a refund for the unused portion of your subscription.

Talk soon,
The people at Skype
It says that my subscription will terminate at the end of the current billing period, which is on March 20, 2011. I would like to continue using my subscription and I have already changed my payment method, so the credit card is valid now and it is verfied by PayPal.

There’s obviously a bug in Skype system, since I can’t prolong my subscription manually. I understand that it is also not an easy and typical task for support to do so. May be even you can’t do it with your level of access. But you work at Skype – write a message to programmers or to accounting office. Do something. I won’t just drop this issue and just get a new subscription.

I’ve been using Skype for several years and I really appreciate your work. My experience with it has been pleasant so far. Please, at least try to help me out.

Best regards,

From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 11:31 AM
To: Mark Kalinin
Subject: Re: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

We understand your concerns regarding your Unlimited World subscription. I understand why you are concerned and I can also see that you have contacted us previously regarding the issue. Let me try to further explain this matter.

According to our records, your Unlimited World subscription has been cancelled because the credit card associated to the PayPal account funding the subscription has expired. Since the refusal of the payment caused the subscription to be cancelled, there is no way to re-activate it by adding or changing the payment method.

The best way to continue from here is to, browse our subscriptions and purchase a Unlimited World subscription from this page:


We hope this clarified your question. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

Janice D.M.
Skype Customer Service

Have you got the new Skype? Download it from http://www.skype.com/download/

--- Original Message ---
From: Mark Kalinin
Received: 12/21/10 2:54:26 PM GMT+08:00
To: Skype Customer Service
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through
Dear Support,
Thank you for your reply. The option you are suggesting doesn’t suit me. I would like to continue using my Unlimited world subscription since I’ve been using it for several years and it provided 3 online numbers for free.
Your are writing that I will have 90 days to reactivate my subscription after it expires. My regular order didn’t go through (look at the subject) on Dec 17, 2010. So technically it’s been 3 days since the notice that the order didn’t go through. Moreover I am located in Moscow, Russia and when I have submitted my request for assistance it still was December 20 over here.
Could you, please, reactivate my subscription? Thank you very much!
Best regards,

Добавлено (2010-12-26, 00:12)
From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2:31 AM
To: Mark Kalinin
Subject: Re: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

We understand your concerns regarding that you have already updated your payment method but your profile says that your Unlimited World Subscription expired on December 20,2010. We will gladly assist you with your concern.

As you have mentioned, thank you for informing us that you have already updated your payment method. Unfortunately, your subscription has already expired. However, you can always activate your subscription again any time on the following page:


Rest assured that you have up to 90 days to reactivate your subscription after it expires.

Should you need further assistance, feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

Crislyn V.
Skype Customer Service

--- Original Message ---
From: Mark Kalinin
Received: 12/21/10 5:42:58 AM GMT+08:00
To: Skype Customer Service
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through
Dear Support,
I’ve updated my payment method, but it still says in my profile Your Unlimited World subscription expired on December 20, 2010 due to failed payment. What do I need to do 2 continue using my subscription?
Thank you!

From: Skype Customer Service [mailto:en_support@skype.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:18 AM
To: mkletters@mail.ru
Subject: Re: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through <<#744511-1113979#>>

Hello Марк,

Thank you for contacting Skype Customer Service.

We understand your concerns regarding that your payment for your subscription did not push through with order #436396906. We will gladly assist you with this matter.

Upon checking your account, your payment was refused due to a problem with your PayPal account.

To resolve this matter, contact PayPal customer services:

However, please note that we always attempt to charge you for the next billing cycle a few days before the current cycle expires, so that if the payment method fails, we can let you know and give you time to change your payment method and keep your subscription running.

If you do not change your credit card details in time and your subscription expires, you have up to 90 days to reactivate it by updating the payment method. After 90 days, the subscription is no longer available, and you will need to purchase a new one.

To change the payment method used for your subscription payments, visit Subscription settings in your account. You can switch to any of your stored payment methods, or add a new method such as a credit card or another PayPal account.

To change your subscription payment method:
1. Sign in to your account here: https://secure.skype.com/account/
2. On the Call Phones tab, where it says Your subscriptions, click Settings
3. Click Change payment method
4. Choose a stored payment method from the Select Payment Method drop-down and click Save
5. Alternatively, to enter a new payment method, click Add payment method. You are prompted to choose the payment method type and will be asked to insert your credit card or PayPal details. Save. Please note that Skype needs to authorize your credit card or PayPal account, and we do this by creating a temporary payment request to your card issuer/PayPal account for €1 or similar amount in your currency. Don't worry: you won't need to pay this amount.
If you are still having problems with the payment method you are currently using, we suggest you place an order using one of our other payment methods. You can find out about the different ways to pay here: http://www.skype.com/go/waystopay
We hope you found this answer helpful. Should you need any further assistance regarding on the payment of your subscription or have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards,

Crislyn V.
Skype Customer Service

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"Skype is software that enables the world's conversations. Millions of individuals and businesses use Skype to make free video and voice calls, send instant messages and share files with other Skype users. Every day, people everywhere also use Skype to make low-cost calls to landlines and mobiles. Learn more about our great global rates to phones and mobiles at http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/features/prices

This electronic message contains information from Skype, which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended for use only by the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and notify me, using the contact details above, immediately."

--- Original Message ---
From: Марк Калинин
Received: 12/21/10 4:20:14 AM GMT+08:00
To: en_support@skype.net
Subject: PY001: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through

Name: Марк Калинин
Skype Name: mkletters
E-mail: mkletters@mail.ru
Topic: Payments
Subtopic: Refused payments
Subject: The order 436396906 on Dec 17, 2010 didn't go through

Could you please try to charge me once again, because the payment didn't go through and I can't find out how to make this payment for my subscription through the skype page.


TylerДата: Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 01:19 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 4628

Штаб-квартира скайпа в Люксембурге, можно сбацать пикет smile и сюда можно еще подтянуть бабки с наших телефонных компаний, они наверно проспонсируют это дело )))

и к тому же , МАрий

Quote (mkalinin)
There’s no point of writing to me same things over and over again. Please advise.

Quote (mkalinin)
This is an automated email, please don’t reply.

может не стоило базарить с роботом ))

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DolfДата: Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 02:08 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 1170

Запостил переписку на официальном блоге скайпа.

Друзья, поддержите, зарегистрируйтесь и напишите в ветке, что вы меня поддерживаете и тоже готовы подать в суд! Хотя бы 3-4 поста будет, и мы уже победим!

P.S. Женя, я и пишу (см первый пост), что подаю на них в суд в Люксембурге:-) А еще как викиликс в некоторые газеты разошлю европейские инфу о том как не должен работать customer support.

Я не с роботом базарил:-) Там только часть письма стандартная, остальное они ручками вбивают:-)

Круто, засудим Скайп! Они, млять, не знают еще с кем связались!

Сообщение отредактировал mkalinin - Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 02:20

topychДата: Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 10:13 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 3512

Попали скайпушники, они ведь даже твой аватар не видели)))


TylerДата: Воскресенье, 2010-12-26, 14:15 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 4628

да я понял ))) забавно, я также хотел наехать на веб мани, но они мне сразу все сделали...

Добавлено (2010-12-26, 14:15)

Quote (mkalinin)
А еще как викиликс в некоторые газеты разошлю европейские инфу о том как не должен работать customer support.

викиликсы сделали ваще круто , у них робот постит в гостевых книгах сайтов послание.. кстати в нашей гостевой на Холе тоже есть, на моем сайте форекс тоже )) сила блин

Сигналы Форекс
Брокеры Форекс
Стратегии Форекс

TylerДата: Суббота, 2012-01-28, 23:18 | Сообщение # 6
Сообщений: 4628

так чем история кончилась? кто знает

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